You’ve probably noticed — the daffodils are blooming, flowering trees are blooming — and now your nose is also itching. This winter was milder than usual, and as a result, the spring trees are blooming a few weeks earlier than normal. Spring allergy season is officially underway.
So far, this appears to be a somewhat warm, early spring. The combination of an early tree bloom with subsequent pollen release, as well as the increased moisture from rain and storms — which stirs up mold — means allergy sufferers may be in for a difficult season these next few months.
If you usually have a bad spring with allergies or sinus issues, we can help. Getting allergy tested to determine your triggers, and starting an appropriate treatment plan (which may include medications chosen based on your triggers, avoidance measures, and for highly allergic patients, desensitization with allergy shots) can make all the difference. The goal is for our patient, when asked how their spring allergy season is going, is to be able to say, "No big deal!"